Is everpresent in my life, but today I have a reading that is above the background.
I'm going back to school and I need to take a placement test at 6. I'm not nervous about the test, only about the (highly unlikely) possibility of failure. I am taking a placement test just to get into Chem 101. The twist is, I have taken - and passed- this course twice before. I took AP chem as a Senior in high school, but I was too preoccupied with getting high to take the AP exam for college credits. I took the course again as a freshman and got an A, however due to a scheduling SNAFU I wasn't able to schedule the Lab portion of the course. By now I've transferred and without the the lab, the course is useless. Time to take a first year class for the third time, but for the first time I need to take an exam to get into the class.
The possibility of failing the entrance exam which is comprised of math (up to algebra...yawn), and basic chemistry (well, yawn again), holds a lot of potential embarassment. Better not choke.