Originally posted by PhlabibitI got one two days ago, but she didn't tell you all "hi", so I didn't mention it. 😉 Her postcard was from the Meteora monastery in Greece.
Yup, I kind of forgot... but she did not! Sent me a post card, and I got it today. I guess she's pretty close to the beach someplace, got a bit of a burn... but having a good time.
She told you all "Hi!"
I forget where she went, but she can tell us when she gets back.
Originally posted by NordlysI focused on what she wrote... Mine says "Meteora" on the front, and it's some crazy buildings atop a bluff of sorts. Very pretty and amazing picture!
I got one two days ago, but she didn't tell you all "hi", so I didn't mention it. 😉 Her postcard was from the Meteora monastery in Greece.
She must have said 'Say Hi' as she didn't feel like talking about bowling?!
Originally posted by NordlysThat's right, she probably did. Our method of naming and numbering is rather cryptic. So much so that the mailwalri don't even know how it works. And a lot of the icebergs do look the same. That must be it.
Maybe she sent it to the wrong iceberg.
wucky, sure, I'd be glad to get one from Manchester. Since I've only been to Canada, it's exotic in my book.