I apologise. We have introduced the new moderation facility for the
forums without publishing a list of guidelines. We appreciate that this
is a little unfair if your post goes missing and you have no idea why!!
I will prepare a few pointers soon. But, as a guideline, please refrain
from making attacks on a people. Please stick to questioning their
ideas and opinions.
I asked a question recently that may have gone astray. When I am
asked to send a reminder rather than claim an immediate win on time-
out, how do I do that? I don't know how to send my opponent a
message when it's his move.
NB: I do appreciate RHP's problem when the forum is overloaded with
Click on 'Email Opponent' above the chess board to send an email to
your opponent. To send a reminder from the 'Your Games' screen you
will have to wait until a little envelope icon appears - just click on this
and a message should appear confirming that a reminder has been
sent. Note: when you return to Your Games screen the envelope icon
will still be there - I think this is a bug in the software - Chrismo?