I decided to try and get into chat, a message asked if I wanted to
download something and I said no. All I then got was a big grey
square on my screen. Now every time I hit the refresh button(internet
explorer) this damn grey square appears. Also what is it you have to
download before you can get in, I'm VERY wary of downloading
anything from the internet. Assistance would be appreciated.
The thing it asks you to download is a java applet thats required to
use the chat area there.
As you have clicked no . IT will no long load the page, The problem
being that it' sets a cookie somewhere that you clicked no . I would
look for the cookie . Or use a chat client to connect to the server.
We have a chat client pre-configured now & is available on my
downloads area called safe4chat.exe . on the www.safe4chat.net site