Taken from the Collins Dictionary "Latest New Word Suggestions" page - https://tinyurl.com/3p4kwwdn
a popular belief or opinion
mythical North American creature like a jackrabbit with the horns of an antelope
the experiencing of stress as a result of activities that are intended to be relaxing
pitchy (sense)
(of singing) varying between being on pitch and being slightly sharp or flat
Praising someone instead of providing an apology
Cyclical targetted criticism on social media over the same issue of a severe degree
Possessing a single tooth
Act of embracing the open sky with stretched hands bending slightly backwards, often seen in Bollywood songs
Lifting own fringe of hair by a puff or whiff of air from the mouth
Having to repeatedly say or translate a word or phrase to a new speaker of the language without success and causing frustration or anger
@fmf saidJackelope are not new and not mythical. I used to spend my Summers in Douglas Wyoming the jackelope capital of the world. I used to be a licenced jackelope hunter. 😆
Taken from the Collins Dictionary "Latest New Word Suggestions" page - https://tinyurl.com/3p4kwwdn
a popular belief or opinion
mythical North American creature like a jackrabbit with the horns of an antelope
the experiencing of stress as a result of activities that are intended to be relaxing
pitchy (sense)
(of singing) varying between ...[text shortened]... e a word or phrase to a new speaker of the language without success and causing frustration or anger
@fmf saidUsually called Wanita.
Taken from the Collins Dictionary "Latest New Word Suggestions" page - https://tinyurl.com/3p4kwwdn
Possessing a single tooth
@gambrel saidIs it true that are known to carry Jack-o-lanterns and Jackknives?🤔😲
Not easy by a longshot! Why one of our party got attacked and tore up by a couple of them. He said it was yotes, but we all know a jackelope when we hear that howl. Blood curdling
@great-big-stees saidWell now you're just making up stuff.
Is it true that are known to carry Jack-o-lanterns and Jackknives?🤔😲