Originally posted by Grampy Bobbyi'm addicted to chess (it's taken me a long time and a half a million moves to admit it. RHP is the quickest fix.
[b]Q & A
Q: Why did you join Red Hot Pawn?
A: My son found the site, so that I could play chess with his two oldest children.
Q: What do you enjoy most about on-line chess?
Q: What is the best exit strategy?
I joined RHP on Hallowe'en 2012. wwooooooooooo........scary.
I like the game of chess. I am not very good at it
but hopefully I'll get better. What I like about RHP
is that the site is very well constructed. I was so impressed with it
that it is the only website on all of the internet that I have given
money to. I enjoy the chat facility where you can chat to your opponent
and make new friends from all over the world. I hope this facility is
improved even more and that people will engage with each other in
a friendly and helpful manner. I do not engage in negativity
like what happens in the clan forum. That kind of activity there has
gone beyond normal goading and banter. I hope a positive approach
will return to that forum soon.
Favourite colour? Green. No not because I am Irish
but because when I was a child my mother tried to get me
to eat my green veg like cabbage and spinach etc.
One day my father got so frustrated at the dinner table
he actually mashed the cabbage into my potatoes and then I had no
choice but to eat it.
I am no longer a fussy eater. My parents are long since dead now
but I remember happy times and family dinners.
In this modern age that we live in now very few families
actually sit together around the dinner table anymore.
They are too busy on their laptops. 🙂
Originally posted by johnnylongwoodyQ: (why, implied): "They are too busy on their laptops."
I joined RHP on Hallowe'en 2012. wwooooooooooo........scary.
I like the game of chess. I am not very good at it
but hopefully I'll get better. What I like about RHP
is that the site is very well constructed. I was so impressed with it
that it is the only website on all of the internet that I have given
money to. I enjoy the chat facilit ...[text shortened]... ally sit together around the dinner table anymore.
They are too busy on their laptops. 🙂
A: The diversion began as play; the novelty eventually wore off; what began as play
became a daily fixation for many (Advent of Facebook made things even worse).
Q: Why do some people think in pictures and hear whole sentences before they type them?
Originally posted by Grampy BobbyA: Because they can't think otherwise and nor can they type fast enough to keep up with there ears.
Q: (why, implied): "They are too busy on their laptops."
A: The diversion began as play; the novelty eventually wore off; what began as play
became a daily fixation for many (Advent of Facebook made things even worse).
Q: Why do some people think in pictures and hear whole sentences before they type them?
Q: Why does GB "flood" the GF with threads?
Originally posted by Great Big SteesA: a scorpion is a scorpion, an eagle is an eagle. GB is who he is.
A: Because they can't think otherwise and nor can they type fast enough to keep up with there ears.
Q: Why does GB "flood" the GF with threads?
Q: Why do some people as why while others only complain?
Originally posted by coquetteA: Because as the eagle looks towards the ground for it's food the rabbit fears not what it can't detect.
A: a scorpion is a scorpion, an eagle is an eagle. GB is who he is.
Q: Why do some people as why while others only complain?
Ooooops forgot my question. 🙄
Originally posted by coquetteQ: "Why do some people ask why while others only complain?"
A: a scorpion is a scorpion, an eagle is an eagle. GB is who he is.
Q: Why do some people ask why while others only complain?[/b]
A. Pleasure & Pain Principle @ Work (maximizing pleasure while minimizing pain, no matter what the cost).
Q: Why do some people hear nuance, meaning and humor in everday speech... while others wrinkle their
washboard foreheads, scratch their pimpled butts and say, "Wut!?~"
Originally posted by Great Big Stees"Q: Ooooops forgot my question."
A: Because as the eagle looks towards the ground for it's food the rabbit fears not what it can't detect.
Ooooops forgot my question. 🙄
A: Because they got hung up in their groaning emotions or were trying to do two things at once.
Q: Why do some homeowners intentionally leave their holiday decorations and greeting cards
(especially the ones with dazzling tassels and sparklies) on display year-round ?
Originally posted by Grampy BobbyA: Senile or lazy.
[b]"Q: Ooooops forgot my question."
A: Because they got hung up in their groaning emotions or were trying to do two things at once.
Q: Why do some homeowners intentionally leave their holiday decorations and greeting cards
(especially the ones with dazzling tassels and sparklies) on display year-round ?
Q: How do you get rid of "Black Mold"?
Originally posted by Great Big Stees"Q: How do you get rid of "Black Mold"?"
A: Senile or lazy.
Q: How do you get rid of "Black Mold"?
A: Household Black Mold grows at different rates, depending on temperature and climate. Ask your friendly hardware store cashier or supervisor for recommendations. Listen carefully. Shop comparatively. Read the directions twice. You're about to handle serious poision. Cerebral Black Mold's a different story. Only solution lies within; and involves an astringent self examination under high wattage operating room intensity overhead lights. When effective, the bad boy mold dies but the patient lives.
Q: How and when do you know, beyond any shadow of doubt, that you're safe placing your confidence and trust
in somebody (especially if they appear too eager to please, too condesending or goody two shoes cute)?