Originally posted by Alpha10"Delorgh"! (Something you would yell on attack or victory!!!)
Anybody with stupid words they made up, put them in here
I think that came from "Gadugh"! (The sound you might make when you talk about things crashing into each other)
Anybody use 'gadugh' when they are talking about something smashing into something... or is that just here in rhodeisland?
Originally posted by nemesioI Have to tell this story again!? Let me see if I can find where I typed it before........ This is from a game with metalman...
What about "Phlabibit?"
😀 😉 😏 🙄
Me and some friends were hanging out drinking one weekend... perhaps 12 years ago? I took a sip and went to talk and burped... what I said sounded like 'phlabibit'.
My friend looked at me, and said... 'did you just say phlabibit?'. We laughed... I made a role playing character shortly after named Phlabibit. He was a thief gone court jester for the king in a very fun game we played years back.
Originally posted by nemesioIt was Role Master we were playing at the time. (Percentages for all charts! Only needed 10 sided dice)
Then I guess it does qualify as a word you made up, albeit inadvertently.
How did that character do [in what RPG game]?
Started as a normal theif... working with his two brothers, Furflirt and Ted.. or was it Ed... hard name to remember.
Firflirt was also a thief, but he posed as a master illusionist. He did basic parlor tricks, and had a couple fire-works if he had to turn up the heat.
Fred or whoever was a big fighter type, and keep us backed up if we needed.
So Flirt and I would wow a crowd as the other worked the pockets... I came up with a master plan that I wanted to get on the kind side of the king and was able to get a job as the court jester...
Next the DM had the whole city invaded by some orcs and goblins... or something so I never got the chance to rip the king off good.. We figured out what neighboring kingdom was 'paying' for the invasion force... but never finished the game... went on for a good couple years though.
Some of the funnest was the end of the night... when you would "Weasel" for EP (Experiance Points) We would have to tell the stories over as best we could, and the better you described it (don't lie, but make it sound good) the more points you might get depending what you did. Sometimes he would be like....
"Well, you did that ok... but you also made a lot of noise and woke up the house... -100 ep".
Gah! But good times.
snark: when my dog rubs her snout against the bed when she is playing.
gwam: to mooch, especially food.
lurbin gertner: a goofy name for a person.
lur: what you say when you are being stupid. ie: "Lur! Lur"
minga minga ming: what a parent says to a child when they have done something wrong.This is unique to my family and has been passed down for 4 generations. It is accompanied by a hand movement back and forth like a wave.
Pig Latin is fun. My friends from carpool last year helped me learn that.
My friend Robyn and I made up a secret language last year. We would always talk in front of her boyfriend and he would just stare blankly at us. Whenever he did something stupid we would always say, "nik nik," which meant men are dogs (no offense to any of the guys who read this).
Originally posted by elvendreamgirlSorry Princess but I can't let you have 'snark' because Lewis Carroll got there before you as in 'The Hunting of the Snark'
snark: when my dog rubs her snout against the bed when she is playing.
gwam: to mooch, especially food.
lurbin gertner: a goofy name for a person.
lur: what you say when you are being stupid. ie: "Lur! Lur"
minga minga ming: what a parent says to a child when they have done something wrong.This is unique to my family and has been passed down for 4 generations. It is accompanied by a hand movement back and forth like a wave.
Originally posted by nemesioHe was the bomb... but we never finished the game.
Then I guess it does qualify as a word you made up, albeit inadvertently.
How did that character do [in what RPG game]?
His brother Furflirt was killed, reserected.. and killed. Ever see a 22 year old guy cry? My poor buddy Howie got ALL upset.... We gave him a chance to live... and he rolled a 01 on a D100!
Oh, well! Good times.