I think that this has been stated in the past but I do think that it
would be an improvement if the rating calculations was based upon
the rating of your oppenent when the game started. This would not
penalize someone for delaying claiming a timeout win. I have one
oppenent now who has past his seven day timeout period but I will not
claim a win over the holidays. So far four other players have claimed
timeouts aganist this individual and his rating has dropped. Now if this
oppenent does start the game again, my rating will be affected win or
lose. If the rating calculation was based upon the ratings at the start
of the game there would be no reason to rush to claim timeout wins.
My .02
This sounded like a good idea when I first read it. However, one major
drawback is it will increase the inflation rate. For example, if someone
created a dummy ID, then challenged themselves say 30 times and
had the dummy ID resign, the points gained would all be based on
the starting ratings, thus increasing drastically the points gained. This
activity should be prevented first.