March 23, 2009
...It all happened so quickly, he came out of no where. I was unprepared. Stupidity pierced right through my shields of logic like they were nothing. It amazes me how even in the face of common sense ignorance is bravely stood by. I am defeated. Broken. Reduced to nothing but a weeping child, beating my own head against my computer and hoping against hope that either the computer or my brain sustains enough damage that it will save me from having have to read the replies that defy all laws of reason and reality. A wise man once told me to disengage. Why did I not listen? Why did I not fall back whilst I still had the chance? It must have been the devil that convinced me to enter this battle of the words that left me empty and hollow with nothing but a desire to gouge my own eyes out so I will no longer have to see my words get mutilated and twisted beyond any recognition before they are thrown back into my already battered face. I die a little with every one of his words, spawned out of some sort of alternate, warped universe unknown to men. And just when I thought it could not possibly get any worse, he somehow manages to concoct something that proves me wrong. As I sit here, unsure of whether I should laugh, cry, or just get it over with and kill myself, he delivers the final blow. Any last ounce of hope I had left to save myself was crushed by paranoia from the other side.
Now I know why Jesus wept.
(makes more sense if read in chronological order)
Ok, now I got some spare time and gave it a try.
I couldn't read a lot. Something like a couple of paragraphs. It's nausea material, my goodness.
Btw, When she speaks of "agent rusty", does she mean the retarded numbnuts of Very Touchy?
Gee, now I know why the idiot keeps saying he has a lot of friends.
Someone inform them that users from this site don't count as real friends when it boils down to popularity or I-am-not-a-loser contests.
Originally posted by SeitseI read it too, lots of paranoid delusions about how the PFC is here to brain wash us all and turn us into their minion hoard.
Ok, now I got some spare time and gave it a try.
I couldn't read a lot. Something like a couple of paragraphs. It's nausea material, my goodness.
Btw, When she speaks of "agent rusty", does she mean the retarded numbnuts of Very Touchy?
Gee, now I know why the idiot keeps saying he has a lot of friends.
Someone inform them that users from this si ...[text shortened]... don't count as real friends when it boils down to popularity or I-am-not-a-loser contests.
Seeing as how it is lunch and I have nothing better to do: screen capped for great justice.