Originally posted by Dr StrangeloveYou must be a subscriber to be the gay mod. Sorry to crush hour hopes.
All the alleged gay threads could then be grouped together in one place - we could even have a gaymod to watch over it.
Perhaps a gay alert button could be made [subscribers only of course - to prevent gayness and abuse] 😏😲
Originally posted by huckleberryhoundIt can't be that bad. SJ's in there.
A gay forum ?
No sooner said than doner.....
Clan 24350
Originally posted by Dr StrangeloveYou get bored too much.You should think in how saving your honor of the half point that you have in the non-members tournament 2 🙄
All the alleged gay threads could then be grouped together in one place - we could even have a gaymod to watch over it.
Perhaps a gay alert button could be made [subscribers only of course - to prevent gayness and abuse] 😏😲