Originally posted by Ice ColdIs your cat behind it ?
I am trying to describe the sound my PC's been making, any suggestions?
Seriously though (and someone can correct me for giggles)......sounds like a fan issue.
There's three or four fans in your PC. One for your processor, one for your powerpack, one for air intake, and one for outtake...should be anyway.
Sounds to me like one of your fans has a a bit of crap in it. Open up your chassis, have a listen and identify the offending fan, and post what you find here.
The post that was quoted here has been removedYes, I agree. And most likely. Given the engineering put into them and the average lifetimes of these two parts, fans are far, far more likely to fail (or even just make noise) than hard drives.
And besides, blowing the dust bunnies out can't hurt in either event. 🙂