If "reply B" is a continuation of the "reply A" (the original reply to the
post), it should be posted as a reply to "Reply A", not a reply to the
original post. This way, the replys can be read in context, and in the
order they were meant to be. (I'm tired. Someone tell me if that
makes ANY sense.)
Rein, who has wings now (!!)
PS. Martin, don't you have better things to do... like beat me!!! LOL
No, that's the problem. If reply B is to the ORIGINAL post it jumps
ahead of reply A - making it look like reply A is referring to reply B.
For example, , I replied to rwingett's post on quotations. Then Bobby
Fisher also replied to rwingett's post. However his reply jumped ahead
of mine and now it looks as if my one liner is in response to his reply.
Yes, Rein, maybe I ought to concentrate on or games. Getting a bit
of a hiding.
I see what you mean more clearly, now. But as long as eveyrone
understands how the tree structure of the replies works, it's easy to
avoid confusion. Your post is under Bobby Fisher's, but it's *even*
with it, as well, meaning they are both in reply to rwingett's post. Thus,
to find out which post a reply is replying to, you must look above, but
not necessarily immediately above. It is the post that is above and to
the left (meaning one level higher in the tree) that you are replying
to. I know how at first glance this can be confusing! I've gotten mixed
up a few times.
I forgot to warn you, Martin. When I clock out from work, my practical
rating (i.e. my actually playing strength) immediately jumps about
200 points!!! It helps to be able to concentrate!