Hello all,
As has been discussed in another thread, we are setting up a London Tournament. By general consensus Regents Park has stood out as the prefered venue. I have just done a quick search of the net and managed to find the park map (check out the rest of the site if you have time, this guy even took photo's of his unmade bed and put it online!) which can be found here...
To the left of the map you will see 'Hanover Bridge', just above it is a coffee spot. This is where i suggest we meet up.
Right, this just leave's us with the question of when. I thought it would be a good idea to give a few dates and for everyone to PM me a first and second choice. I'll count up the votes for each day (1'st and 2'nd votes together) to see which day is the most convenient for everyone.
(A)Sat 31st June
(B)Sun 1st August
(C)Sat 7th August
(D)Sun 8th August
If you can't make any of these days but would like to play, please reply such, so that i can establish if it is worth putting back a week for a higher turn out.
Everyone should bring a board and pieces (i think i speak for everyone when i say no novelty sets, star wars etc...). If any of you have a clock, please bring it down, if we get enouph we could do some serious blitzing 🙂
This doesn't just have to be limited to RHP players. I know you all have chess buddies you play against, give them a call, get them to come down and this could turn out to be a really fun chess day out!