This is where every night (I'll try) between 7-8 (central standard time) I'm gonna write a big post involving me as a reality TV character (made up). Anyone is welcome to join in and make their own character. No characters get killed but other then that you can pretty much do anything and it can involve other characters just as in real TV. So, 3:50 minutes from now I'll start the opening episode. Enjoy!
Originally posted by GalaxyShieldc'mon I'm waiting...
This is where every night (I'll try) between 7-8 (central standard time) I'm gonna write a big post involving me as a reality TV character (made up). Anyone is welcome to join in and make their own character. No characters get killed but other then that you can pretty much do anything and it can involve other characters just as in real TV. So, 3:50 minutes from now I'll start the opening episode. Enjoy!
so I'll just start off: imagine this gorgeous, witty woman of your dreams (made up), that will be my part. This woman is blonde but managed to get a b+ in her German exam (yes, she did also fail physics, but that's beside the point). So... what this woman (=me) does? well obvious: she goes to bed. alone. lonely. waiting for... someone (we can start the casting now) to come and join her. Actually, first she goes off to take out her contact lenses, hopefully she will know who is going to join her by the time she gets back (ca 5 min).
Angie 😀
*sighs* yet another tragic love story...
Originally posted by orkyboyok orky we can be best friends, don't you think? 😀
A hot 20-year-old uni girl. Long blonde hair and long lege (no blonde hair there though). Is wearing miniskirt and a low cut top. Likes drinking to much and waking up with guys that she doesn't know the name of.
Let the fun commence!
anyway, I'll be going now, so cy@ll 2m0rr0w
Angie 😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴🙄😴😴😴😴
Lol, alrighty starrman 😉. After I offically start it tonight you can post in it when ever. I will just be posting from 7-8 🙂. So, we've got a blonde, my dog, freddie (don't know what he is yet), and a stalker. I could always use more people to put their characters in so I've got people to talk to and such when I make my post (talk to in the TV show).
Originally posted by StarrmanThat 99 just didn't look right... gotta be 100!
I really wanna be in this, but I shall be asleep, please include me, perhaps as the person who keeps phoning in the middle of things but never says anything. Yes! That's it! I can be a stalking heavy breather! 🙂
Alright, here we go!
(Shows a guy waking up) *groan* Oh, hello, welcome to Shadyview Alberta, Canada. I'm Josh and this is my dog ork. I obviously live in a small apartment with ork but I've got a blonde neighbor (large grin). (Coffee maker sounds) Yes, winter's in Canada are cold and I don't get out very much and I'm running out of food and beer. Well, guess I gotta go out today. (Sips coffee and grabs newspaper) Wow, Blue Jays won, how rare....(Walks into closet) Yeah, better dress warmly today, gonna be 20 below today. (Walks out of closet with Reindeer sweater on). (Walks out front door). (See's the blonde across the street) Hey there blonde, how's it going? (blonde talking) Well, not to good, I got a strange phone call, all I heard was breather. (Josh again) Well, there are a lot of strange people out there, I bet it was Mr. Star though, he's always doing things like that. (end for tonight for me, gotta finish diner, feel free to add your own characters and keep the story going)
Bye for now-Josh