Fellow GF dwellers,
We would like to invite you to join the effort to completely
ignore the unimaginative copy pasting troll and his gang of
Despite the endless lulz he and his minions provide, we would
like to test for how long can delusional people talk with themselves
in the desert. This is for science.
We kindly invite you to:
1. Avoid posting in their threads, particularly the sect leader's.
2. Avoid giving thumbs up or down to their posts.
3. Avoid the constant baiting, regardless of the thread.
Bottom line: ignore. We're running bets on how long will it
take for them to implode, create another attention horse thread,
or actually correct themselves and grow a brain.
Thanks for your participation!
Originally posted by SeitseCome on. You're talking about invented anger. People who use character assassination purely for the lulz. Why else are you here? Surely you don't believe your own posts on this point? It's getting too hard to tell with you. But I sometimes suspect you're slowly buying into the troll mentality here and their pathetic attempts to destroy an old man, whose only crime seems to be "cut and paste" and disagreeing with some neurotic narcissists. Practically their entire narrative has been invented for that end.
Good, good. Feel the burn.
Can you smell that, guys? It is anger! Anger brewing up the wrinkled, shaky
hands of a diabolic troll.
Now here you are, just for the lulz. Well, it stopped being funny a long time ago.