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rookierookierookierookierookie rookierookierookie rookierookierookie rookierookierookierookierookierookierookie


1 edit

oh, my goodness

0% he's so gorgeous
8% he's adonis, but, studlier
8% he has curly hair
8% if only he were rich
46% he loves kittens!
31% can you imagine if there were TWO of him?
13 votes β€’ Final results

[edit : admin edit of title length)


@rookie54 said
Should have put in 'other'! πŸ˜› πŸ˜‰



@rookie54 said
Final results are in and it seems you are quite a feline person πŸ˜‰


@ponderable said
Final results are in and it seems you are quite a feline person πŸ˜‰
Nothing wrong with loving a pussy/kitten! πŸ˜‰


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@ponderable said
Final results are in and it seems you are quite a feline person πŸ˜‰
thank you for reminding me of my trolling


@rookie54 said
thank you for reminding me of my trolling
Everyone who posts and reposts could be considered a troll. πŸ˜‰

Welcome fellow troll.




When do we get to tickle you with yer own tazer?

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@moonbus said

When do we get to tickle you with yer own tazer?
let the people be heard!

tazed by my own tickler

11% in the evening, like an aperitif
33% early in the morning, before he wakes
11% naked, screaming, running down the street
11% in line at mickey d's
22% anytime he types "yer"
11% dangling from a hot air balloon
9 votes β€’ Final results


is this thread about you?


it began as a trollollollollollo of slapshot the day he created two threads about himself

now the frankenmonster has a life of its own


I can't figure out how to vote, even though I've managed to do it. A how-to-for-dummies would be good. 🀐


each option should be a link
point yer mouse at yer choice and click


@rookie54 said
it began as a trollollollollollo of slapshot the day he created two threads about himself

now the frankenmonster has a life of its own
Wait sookie I may start 3 then you'll have to catch up.......ROFLMAO.......


2 edits

@kewpie said
I can't figure out how to vote, even though I've managed to do it. A how-to-for-dummies would be good. 🀐
It is just too easy, click on a link if you want to play.

That would be one of the silly topics in blue!

Oh yes, and if you make two be sure and make them in two different threads..............LOL............ πŸ˜‰


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i remembered a dream i had
but the words are not clear

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