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20 Oct 02
08 Oct 04
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I've been on this site for a couple of years now Scapegoat, and I must admit it has been hard at times for me to bite my tongue when looking at some of your posts. I'm at wits end, and I'm sorry, I cant take it any more. so to hell with it, enough is enough. The only thing worse than your idiot left wing ramblings is your freakin right wing agenda. You sir, are truly a horses arse. Nobody here likes you, and if you left the whole site would be better off. On top of that, your chess playing sucks. If I had a dollar for every time you T/O'd me Scapegoat I could have retired long ago. You couldnt win a game if it wasnt for the T/O, could you dummy? And another thing, I dont give a damn for your religious opinions, I dont give a damn for your lack of religion opinions! If you do have to air this crap out however, have enough tact to start it in the debate section. Gotta go Scapegoat, hope you have a lousy day! Cheers........

Chief Justice

Center of Contention

14 Jun 02
08 Oct 04
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Originally posted by Bobla45
I've been on this site for a couple of years now Scapegoat, and I must admit it has been hard at times for me to bite my tongue when looking at some of your posts. I'm at wits end, and I'm sorry, I cant take it any more. so to hell with it, enough is enough. The only thing worse than your idiot left wing ramblings is your freakin right wing agenda. You si ...[text shortened]... to start it in the debate section. Gotta go Scapegoat, hope you have a lousy day! Cheers........
I can't believe you sometimes SCAPEGOAT. How can you, in good conscience, claim that killing the most defensless human beings - the unborn - is morally permissible? Further, how can you not see that by prohibiting such killings, you are tacitly equating women to chattel, to mere breeding sows, and violating their fundamental right to autonomy? I'm tired of both your formal, logical mode of reasoning and your irrational appeals to religious authority. You can't have it both ways, SCAPEGOAT! Your hypocrisy knows no bounds, SCAPEGOAT!

Yes, that feels so good.

Hooray for SCAPEGOAT! πŸ˜€


28 Jul 03
08 Oct 04
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SCAPEGOAT, you swine. You vulgar little maggot. What is that tripe
you call your opinions? What is that scrofulous little tumor you
call a brain? Don't you know that you are pathetic? You worthless
bag of filth, you wad of pus. You're a canker. A sore that won't go
away. I would rather kiss a goat then be seen with you.

You're a putrescent mass, a walking vomit. You are a spineless little
worm deserving nothing but the profoundest contempt. You are a jerk,
a cad, a weasel. Your life is a monument to stupidity. You are a
stench, a revulsion, a big suck on a sour lemon.

I will never get over the embarrassment of belonging to the same
species as you. You are a monster, an ogre. I barf at the very
thought of you. You have all the appeal of a paper cut. Lepers avoid
you. You are vile, worthless, less than nothing. You are a weed, a
fungus, the dregs of this earth. And did I mention, you smell?

You are weary, stale, flat and unprofitable. You're grimy, squalid,
nasty and profane. I have excreted better things than you. You are
foul and disgusting. You're a fool, an ignoramus. Monkeys look down
on you.

You are a waste of flesh. You have no rhythm. You are ridiculous and
obnoxious. I would rather bathe with Hitler than speak to you. You
are the moral equivalent of a leech. You are a living emptiness, a
meaningless void. You are sour and senile. You are a disease.

On a good day you're a half-wit. You remind me of drool. You are
deficient in all that lends to character. You have the personality of
wallpaper. You are dank and filthy. You are asinine and benighted.
You are the source of all unpleasantness. You spread misery and
sorrow wherever you go.

You are a fiend and a coward and you have bad breath. You are
degenerate, noxious and depraved. I feel debased just for knowing you
exist. I despise everything about you, and I wish you would go away.


Pimp of the elves

San Diego, CA

17 Mar 04
08 Oct 04
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I'm tired of your abuse of the vacation flag SCAPEGOAT! I've played you 6 times now and every time you move very quckly until you start to lose...then you put on your VF and quit moving in our games only!! Do you not think it is obviuos what you are doing??? Do you think that I'm going to forget about our games??
Then you get pissed off and PM me when I time you out??
Your pathetic attempt to get your rating higher has forced me to adopt an "always TO" policy. You just screwed over everyone legitimately on vacation to try to make your imginary number higher. Hope your proud of your rating!!

AHHHH, much better. Good idea guys!


20 Oct 02
08 Oct 04
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I've got a rook on a7, and my king is on b8. You, SCAPEGOAT, have a king on h1. These are the only pieces on the board, and we have a 21 day T/O. and a 28 day timebank. You, my dear SCAPEGOAT, are moving once every 22 days. Thats because you are a complete loser😡😡

Pancake Gobbler

Great Pancake Heist

16 Jul 04
08 Oct 04
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You stole my lunch at work Scapegoat, I know it is you you Ham sandwitch eating theif. I worked hard for that sandwitch and was truly looking foward to it but you needed it more than I.

You are always stealing my women Scapegoat, Us fat guys don't usually get a chance to talk to pretty girls, but every time I do sure enough there you are Scapegoat to ruin my fun.

You always use the last of the toilette paper Scape Goat and I am telling you I am dam tired of it, use your left hand from now on you mooching SOB.

You borrowed my car and returned it on empty Scapegoat so now I have to spend the money I dont have to fill up my car because of your little joy ride, I hope your happy.

You polluted my air with your fossil fuels Scapegoat and now my children wont be able to breath decent air, thanks a bunch appreciate it.

You created a large national debt Scapegoat so now I wont be able to enjoy social security that I have payed into my entire life.

Is it asking too much for you to leave me just one piece of pie Scapegoat. I forgot your belly requires all of the pie for your levels of slobbiness.

I look foward to my cup of coffee in the morning and sure enough you always seem to drink the last cup scapegoat thanks.

You always cut me off when I am talking Scapegoat can I finish a my thought process for a change.

You are always distracting me Scapegoat, Go away I have important things to do.

I know I turned my homework in on time Scapegoat maybe youcan explain why my name is erased and your name is written on top.

Thanks alot for everything you do for me Scapegoat, your a pal. keep up the menacing work.


Canberra, Australia

07 Jan 03
08 Oct 04
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Ah! Now I know who caused Australia to lose to England in the cricket. I knew it couldn't have been because they played better.

515 + 30 days

Syver Yurt TC

08 Mar 03
08 Oct 04
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Originally posted by dyl
Ah! Now I know who caused Australia to lose to England in the cricket. I knew it couldn't have been because they played better.
If nothing else this thread should test the alert / delete ratio. Really ScapeG, you are in danger of alienating ALL of RHP and also usurping my relatively modest 96%.



Not Kansas

10 Jul 04
08 Oct 04
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Ya, I know I know, I'm working on a personality transplant. Cripes, what a novel thread!

Not Aleister

Control room

17 Apr 02
08 Oct 04
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Originally posted by dyl
Ah! Now I know who caused Australia to lose to England in the cricket. I knew it couldn't have been because they played better.
tsk tsk tsk

Dylan, some things just can't be blamed on scapegoat.

Oh, before I forget - Scapegoat probably helped SA in the Tri-Nations as well?



20 Jan 03
08 Oct 04
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Originally posted by dyl
Ah! Now I know who caused Australia to lose to England in the cricket. I knew it couldn't have been because they played better.
Don't worry, you are going to whup india in this test by the look of it. Maybe scapegoat is working against india?

Not Aleister

Control room

17 Apr 02
08 Oct 04
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Originally posted by Varg
Maybe scapegoat is working against india?
No way, scapegoat is only involved if you lose...

When you win - you were the better team...

kody magic

in complete

21 Jul 01
08 Oct 04
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I feel that this is very unfair to Scapegoat! I have played him on a number of occassions and always found him to be a gentleman.

Some of his views in the forums can be taken (by the more sensitive members of RHP) as rather extreme, but these should be read in context. As too his occassional bouts of childish petulence, I think most of us would agree that he has been driven to distraction by certain elements.

I find the current campaign to remove Scapegoat not only from the forums but from the site as a whole deeply troubling - surely the odd racist, sexist, hatred filled comment can be tolerated from such an outstanding player? Okay, he did drive me to tears once, but I'm sure that wasn't intentional...actually, hangings too good for him...


Canberra, Australia

07 Jan 03
11 Oct 04
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Originally posted by Crowley
No way, scapegoat is only involved if you lose...

When you win - you were the better team...
Ah! Crowley's understands. And so he should. Judging by the amount of time he spends there, Scapegoat is almost certainly a South African by birth.


Canberra, Australia

07 Jan 03
11 Oct 04
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Originally posted by Varg
Don't worry, you are going to whup india in this test by the look of it. Maybe scapegoat is working against india?
Actually, I think Scapegoat is still around. In fact, I'm pretty sure he had a hand in last week's Australian election. Considering the result, it's the only feasible explanation.

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