In a darkened, brooding and conspiratorial club atmosphere...
REG NIGHT: Right. Now, uh, item four: attainment of forum supremacy within the next five years. Uh, Francis, you've been doing some work on this.
FRANCIS: Yeah. Thank you, Reg Night. Well, quite frankly, siblings, I think five years is optimistic, unless we can smash the RHP Moderation Empire within the next twelve months.
REG NIGHT: Twelve months?
FRANCIS: Yeah, twelve months. And, let's face it. As empires go, this is the big one, so we've got to get up off our arses and stop just talking about it!
LORETTA: I agree. It's clean fair posting that counts, not words, and we need action now.
REG NIGHT: You're right. We could sit around here all day posting crap, passing PM resolutions to each other, making clever comments in the GF. It's not going to shift one RHP moderator!
FRANCIS: So, let's just stop being retarded about it. It's completely pointless and it's getting us nowhere!
LORETTA: I agree. This is a complete waste of time.
bam – door flings open…
JUDITH: They've arrested Grampy!
JUDITH: The bloody Moderators, they've dragged him off! They're going to crucify him!
REG NIGHT: Right! This calls for immediate TSM private club forum discussion!
TSM COMMANDO #1: Yeah, and immediate alerting
JUDITH: What?!
TSM COMMANDO #2: Immediate retalitardation I say
TSM COMMANDO #1: Right, that too
LORETTA: A new thread then…?
REG NIGHT: A completely new thread… eh, that, ah…that there be, ah…. immediate General Forum resolution…
FRANCIS: Ah, only once the TSM vote has been taken Reg…
REG NIGHT: Well, obviously once the TSM vote's been taken. You can't act another General Forum resolution till you've voted on it...
JUDITH: Reg, for God's sake, let's go now you sackless weed!
REG NIGHT: Yeah. Yeah.
JUDITH: Please!
REG NIGHT: Right. Right.
REG NIGHT: In the-- in the light of a PM containing fresh information from sibling TSM member Judith…regarding brother Grampy...
LORETTA: Ah, not so fast, Reg I’m trying to edit the post as you go...
JUDITH: Reg, for God's sake, it's perfectly simple. All you've got to do is to send Feedback to the admins now, and try to stop the Moderators' nailing him up with another ban! It's happening, Reg! Something's actually happening in the General Forum, Reg! Can't you understand?! Ohhh!
slam – door flings shut…
FRANCIS: Oh, dear.
REG NIGHT: Hello. Another little posting ego trip for the feminists.
LORETTA: What? ALERTED for sexism!!
FRANCIS: whistling
REG NIGHT : Oh, sorry, Loretta. Ahh, oh, read my OP back to me again, would you?
Originally posted by divegeesternice work... 😀
In a darkened, brooding and conspiratorial club atmosphere...
REG NIGHT: Right. Now, uh, item four: attainment of forum supremacy within the next five years. Uh, Francis, you've been doing some work on this.
FRANCIS: Yeah. Thank you, Reg Night. Well, quite frankly, siblings, I think five years is optimistic, unless we can smash the RHP Moderatio ...[text shortened]... T : Oh, sorry, Loretta. Ahh, oh, read my OP back to me again, would you?
Originally posted by divegeesterMarlowe would be proud to have you crib his work...
In a darkened, brooding and conspiratorial club atmosphere...
REG NIGHT: Right. Now, uh, item four: attainment of forum supremacy within the next five years. Uh, Francis, you've been doing some work on this.
FRANCIS: Yeah. Thank you, Reg Night. Well, quite frankly, siblings, I think five years is optimistic, unless we can smash the RHP Moderatio ...[text shortened]... T : Oh, sorry, Loretta. Ahh, oh, read my OP back to me again, would you?
Originally posted by divegeesterwell said! here here!
In a darkened, brooding and conspiratorial club atmosphere...
REG NIGHT: Right. Now, uh, item four: attainment of forum supremacy within the next five years. Uh, Francis, you've been doing some work on this.
FRANCIS: Yeah. Thank you, Reg Night. Well, quite frankly, siblings, I think five years is optimistic, unless we can smash the RHP Moderatio ...[text shortened]... T : Oh, sorry, Loretta. Ahh, oh, read my OP back to me again, would you?
Originally posted by divegeesterWho gave you permission to disclose the minutes of our meeting? ðŸ˜
In a darkened, brooding and conspiratorial club atmosphere...
REG NIGHT: Right. Now, uh, item four: attainment of forum supremacy within the next five years. Uh, Francis, you've been doing some work on this.
FRANCIS: Yeah. Thank you, Reg Night. Well, quite frankly, siblings, I think five years is optimistic, unless we can smash the RHP Moderatio ...[text shortened]... T : Oh, sorry, Loretta. Ahh, oh, read my OP back to me again, would you?