Hi All:
Well, i would just like to wish everyone a merry christmas, and a
happy new year. Another year is coming to an end, and it is time for
forgiveness, and letting the baggage of the past year go. Seeing as i
cant send you all a card, i will just wish it here. So, i wish you all good
things in the year to come...and i hope all the things you dream of
come true...and wherever you be on new years eve, i hope it is with
people you know and care about.
All the best...
Thank you so much, Improvisatore, for your kind and obviously
sincere wishes.
I, too, want to extend my best wishes to our dear friends, the RHP-
webmasters, Chris & Russ, and to all the players on the site too,of
Not to forget: let's be nice to each other and enjoy what we're here for,
playing the Royal Game we love so much. And if we drop a word now
and then at the Forum, let it be friendly. No more of that insulting and
no more rows. Everyone will feel better!
To conclude, I have a litle request, however pathetic it may be
percepted by one or the other: I was all by myself X-mas and that will
not be different on New Year's Eve, nor on New Year's Day.
I can't leave the flat since on my left side my leg and arm are
plastered, the fingers made completely immobile. This results in a
reduced mobility & some clumsiness.
I''m boring you, perhaps -sorry!, but when just a few of you would let
me a short message at my e-mail address, that would be very
comforting. Thanks & Cheerio!
Jan Pot
Antwerpen (Belgium)
E-mail: jan.pot@pandora
To all
I made a typing-error in my e-mail address (typing done for 90% with
one hand). Got one message, saying he tried to get throughn but
didn't succeed. Of course not. The correct address is:
I forgot in the former the <.be> My excuses for that. Got already
three messages. That's nice. You might discuss chess as well, if you
feel like it, you know. Beware for hangovers the coming days!
Thanks & Cheerio!
Jan Pot
Antwerpen (Belgium)
Hey Jan:
Well, I know how you feel. I too spent Christmas alone. my mother
has been in hospital for about four weeks now; it is breaking and
tearing me apart. She goes for a Brain Scan on the fourth of Jan.... My
usual Christmas would be one of family coming round, etc.. but, this
year was far too hard. I spent Christmas day, here, on my own also;
my Christmas dinner was, chicken pie, and potato waffles; a far cry of
old days. I could wish for many things for the coming year...but, I
don't wish for health, good looks, wealth; all I want, is for my mum to
be safe, and home, and back to her old self.
PS: Love those dearest...they might not be with you that long!! give
them your soul, before it is too late!!
PPS: chris.rowe@chatnsurf.net