I have been in much despair lately and in an attempt to relenquish some of my sadness I feel the need to share with you all one of me deepest darkest fantasies.Before you go getting all excited may I remind you not all fantasies are of a sexual nature.
This one creeps into the very bain of my existence everytime I sit and write out a post or simply chat away the hours through the miricle of my keyboard. Technology is great and I'm sure to many a keyboard may posess a certain appeal with it's delicate little clicks and soft to the touch buttons. Yet it's no replacement for my one true desire. I long for the louder, harder more physically present old fashioned typwriter.
The forcefull clickity clack clickity clack of each letter smashing it's imprint onto the freshly white sheet of paper. The connection of letter, ribbon, paper. The tension that builds as the words fly across each line of the page ending with that glorious ding of the bell, the physical interaction of sliding the bar back across length of the page.
In todays age of copy, cut, paste, spellcheck, delete, delete, delete, I long for the art of raw talent. Of getting it right the first time or drown of a pile of crumpled paper layed out in a sea of dissapointment at your feet. It may not be the most exciting of fantasies but it's one I dream of often. Even now as I type away these words I can't help but the hear the sweet faint sounds in the furthest reaches of my mind.
A simpler time, a simpler pleasure. Like the most basic of childhood triggers that send you flying right back to your youth, back to a carefree state of mind, the fond image of a stern, solid, commanding typewriter clacking and dinging out pages of perfect prose send to a more pleasant place.
Where have all the typewriters gone with their little rolls of ribbon just waiting for the magic which uncovers their secret tales of love, hardships and adventure. Perhaps there is one out there somewhere longing for my touch, waiting patiently to tell me it's stories and wanting desperately to be reunited with the passion that it so often ignites.
So now you know my deepest darkest longing, my one true fantasy that I hope to someday have fullfilled. To sit up late smoking cigarettes and sipping on whiskey as the night sky is filled with the sounds of clickyclack clackityclick ding ziiing clack. Just a simple girl with simple dreams.
Originally posted by mokkoIf I buy you one will you use it instead of posting here?
I have been in much despair lately and in an attempt to relenquish some of my sadness I feel the need to share with you all one of me deepest darkest fantasies.Before you go getting all excited may I remind you not all fantasies are of a sexual nature.
This one creeps into the very bain of my existence everytime I sit and write out a post or simply chat aw ...[text shortened]... he sounds of clickyclack clackityclick ding ziiing clack. Just a simple girl with simple dreams.
Originally posted by mokkoYou just need a man. Why can't you admit it?
So now you know my deepest darkest longing, my one true fantasy that I hope to someday have fullfilled. To sit up late smoking cigarettes and sipping on whiskey as the night sky is filled with the sounds of clickyclack clackityclick ding ziiing clack. Just a simple girl with simple dreams.
Originally posted by mokkoNot in theory, I'm sure it is entirely possible for a stable, happy person to chose to be on their own. But in your case, it sounds incredibly like you're trying to convince yourself, not me.
Hard to believe a woman can function without a man huh? Of all the things that have brought me pleasure and happiness a man has not be among them.
Originally posted by mokkoI have an old fashioned typewriter in the loft. I'll get it down for you. However it has one problem.
Hard to believe a woman can function without a man huh? Of all the things that have brought me pleasure and happiness a man has not be among them.
It cant speil proppperlley likwe what ths can do.
Originally posted by NordlysWhat's wrong with being flirty? Truth be known I've only had three relationships in my life. None of them ever brought me happiness (with the exception of my children) My moments of happiness have only occured while single and persuing my own interests. I have always put a couple years between men and have enjoyed my life emmensly while doing things on my own terms and on my own conditions. The only time things begin to get unbearable is when a man enters into the picture. there are much greater pleasures in life than than men. That doesn't mean flirting can't be a fun and harmless way to pass the time. 😀
No. It's only the fact that it's coming from you which makes it sound weird. It just doesn't fit with your attention-seeking, flirtatious posts.