-Removed-A guy buys a plot of land that's supposed to have water on it.
He walks around and finds a well. It's very dark and he can't see the bottom so he chucks a pebble in to see if there's water there.
He gets a slightly larger pebble and throws that down the well - still no sound.
He gradually gets larger and larger rocks to chuck down, all with no audible splash, until he sees a nearby pile of railway sleepers.
Dragging one of these over to the well, he heaves it over the low wall and pushes it down - this must surely make a noise. As the sleeper disappears over the edge, from the corner of his eye he sees a goat, head down, charging toward him.
He just manages to leap out of the way as the goat, jumping full tilt at him, also disappears down the well.
Blimey he thinks.
Just then, a man appears and asks if he's seen a goat round about here.
"erm .. nope" says the first man, feeling guilty about not having saved the goat from jumping down the well, and not wanting to get caught.
"Oh, that's strange" says the man, "Well - it can't have got far. It was tied to a railway sleeper".
I used to see plenty of things move in my peripheral vision but not so much nowadays. Used to see much more when I drank lots more and was coming off it. Cats, dogs, rats or what have you. Also use to see all sorts after taking amphetamines. Dark shadows floating all about the place but never quite showing their faces. Creepy. Try not to do any of that stuff any more as it's not good for the body or soul.