Bush proposal to send man to Mars:
President George W Bush will announce proposals next week to send Americans to Mars, and back to the Moon.
Senior US officials say he will also reveal plans for the construction of a permanent lunar space station.
Mr Bush intends to reinvigorate the US space programme following setbacks, including the Columbia shuttle disaster, the officials report.
The manned mission to Mars - where Nasa successfully just landed a probe - is not expected for at least 10 years.
Correspondents say Mr Bush had been expected to propose a bold new space mission as part of his re-election campaign.
What are your thougts ? Should there be a manned mission to Mars?
the ability to send humans all over the place is obviously interesting, but the technology can be developed without actually wasting the effort to do it.
much more interesting is the huge number of adventurous unmanned missions that can be done instead. there are many planets and moons out there, each has a variety of environments to explore.
sending a human is just a publicity stunt.
Originally posted by ivanhoeI've always been facinated by the concept of space travel etc and have and open mind as to the possible existence of "life" elsewhere in the universe.
Bush proposal to send man to Mars:
President George W Bush will announce proposals next week to send Americans to Mars, and back to the Moon.
Senior US officials say he will al ...[text shortened]... your thougts ? Should there be a manned mission to Mars?
Take "independence day" for example, forget the typical hollywood OTT Bruce Willis in a vest attitude, but just look at the basic concept of an aggresive alien life form coming to earth. For a start, their technology would be far more advanced than ours to have got here in the first place (we "think" we know there is no other life currently in our solar system), so they would have had to come from outside our solar system. Would we really be able to defend ourselves?
As for George Bush's speech, why not have a manned base on the moon, so far its always been science fiction, so why not make it science fact. On the downside, should we really be wasting large amounts of cash on space research, when we have enough problems on our own planet......
Originally posted by 442No problem, we can always print more money. Screw the defecit, think of all those jobs that would be created. 😉
As for George Bush's speech, why not have a manned base on the moon, so far its always been science fiction, so why not make it science fact. On the downside, should we really be wasting large amounts of cash on space research, when we have enough problems on our own planet......
On a serious note, I believe any money and resources invested in space exploration will pay off in the long run.
Originally posted by richjohnsonThis is what the guy who calls all the shots said:
No problem, we can always print more money. Screw the defecit, think of all those jobs that would be created. 😉
On a serious note, I believe any money and resources invested in space exploration will pay off in the long run.
Our journey into space will go on. The work of the crew of the Columbia and the heroic explorers who traveled before them will continue
Originally posted by flexmoreFlex, I wholeheartedly disagree. Putting a human on the planet is vitally important, for a number of reasons.
the ability to send humans all over the place is obviously interesting, but the technology can be developed without actually wasting the effort to do it.
much more interesting is the huge number of adventurous unmanned missions that can be done instead. there are many planets and moons out there, each has a variety of environments to explore.
sending a human is just a publicity stunt.
First, by our nature we are explorers. At least us Yanks who explored our way on to this land in the first place. Sending some machine to gather information is not nearly the same thing as actually being there.
The space program has a lot of value beyond just the scientific knowledge behind it. It spurs technological growth. And in the States it is a major source of pride.
Of all the things I disagree with the Bush Administration on, I think this is one where they're right on the mark. If I actually believed they were sincere in this effort, I might consider gaining some respect for the administration.
Putting a human on Mars isn't "wasting effort." It proves we CAN go to other planets, and if god forbid we continue to destroy the environment or overpopulate to the point we have to move elsewhere, we're a step closer. I think it's pretty obvious that it is a long term (as in multi-generational) goal to be able to move our race beyond this planet and across the universe. Putting a man on Mars would be a critical step in this process.
absolutely, this is great. if the USA doesn't do it, China will (eventually). It's worth doing just to continue humanity's adventure, and for the scientific knowledge (as in the discovery of extraterrestrial life, even if it's only single celled (or no-celled even!)). Then there are the potential political, social and economic benefits. But I think equal effort should be given to solving problems here on Earth - poverty, disease, the threat of extinction-level war etc.
If I were a physicist I'd be trying to get a job with NASA if this goes ahead. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a lot of demand for philosophers in space :-(
stammer, i reckon you are onto it. i was just thinking scientifically, and as you point out that is only a small part of the puzzle. who cares if a few scientists get a bit excited?
the human motivational thing is much more important, and so having humans go is sensible.
i think we have always agreed that it is important to be able to gain the ability to get off this planet.
p.s. glad you're in my clan !!!
The fact the old GW is using this as part of his re-election campaign siKKKKKens me! (Insert spewing emoticon)
Imagine in a hundred years time when future generations learn about the drive of one man to get man to mars, and that man was george, a true visionary. The propaganda potential is enormous! But who else is dumb enough to spend so much money for potentially zero financial returns?
I would love to see Mars happen cos maybe it could allow man to see how trivial our differences are and what potential lies ahead.