Originally posted by BookwormWell, it wasn't intended to be THAT silly... When I tried to post the message, I got some error back. I thought it had failed completely, but apparently it managed to make an empty entry into this forum.
It's silly alright...
Anyway... What I wrote in that message was basically the following:
A couple of years ago I told this joke to a bunch of a bunch of Australians. I thought it was pretty funny, but by the time I got to the punchline, my 'audience' chanted along with me. Apparently, the joke had a beard...
The following riddle (I'm not sure if it actually qualifies as a riddle, btw: English isn't my mother tongue, in case you hadn't noticed) I made up myself, but it's obvious enough for someone else to already have come up with it. In that case I'll forgive you for laughing at me --it seems to be the only way I can get people to laugh nowadays. 🙁
Any-anyway, here it is...
Most things you need to have, before you can lose it.
What do you need to lose, in order to have it?