It'd be great if I could include some real time stats on my blog
( - shameless plug *hehe*) about my games
in progress or my current player stats.
The concept is similar to - It'd be a small
bit of php that could be cut-n-pasted from RHP into a homepage.
It'll put extra load on the servers but I recon it'll generate more
people comming back to the site. Specially after there's a few
thousand chess enthusiasts with the RHP stats on their pages.
Anyhow - Excellent site, Im really enjoying it. :-)
Hey Russ,
Yep - Once the template code is available everyone could use it.
At (drawing from their implementation heavily) they
seem to have a number of mathods for doing this - Javascript & PHP
are probably the most widely used.
Once you've signed up with them you click this 'get code' button which
generates a few bits of html that can be copied & pasted into a web
The Javascript looks like this :-
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"
The PHP looks like this :-
//replace the value of $url with your own link from the code
$url = "
if($my_blogroll = @fopen("$url", "r"😉){
while(! feof($my_blogroll)){
$blogroll = fgets($my_blogroll, 255);
echo "$blogroll";
echo "ERROR: $url is currently inaccessable";
What to return - How about something like but just
the stats info (no title, no joining date, no graphics & comments on
the bottom stripped & no html header 🙂 .. ) - I think the classes are
good, they can be redefined in a local stylesheet.
How does that sound ?