I've finally managed to persuade one of my friends to give this site a
try, but he says he can't challenge anyone. I know this site has just
gone to subscription, but I don't know the rules. Do you have to
subscribe to get ANY games at all, instead of a limited number?
I know I could "register" a new ID to see for myself, but didn't want to
waste the database space.
& yes, I've challenged him for now.
I dunno if he's just being dense, or if the new subscription system
won't allow non-pawnstart/subscribers to start any games. When we
talked he said that, for example, if he went to "find player" then
found my name, there was no "challenge player" option.
He could just be getting it wrong, but I'd like to know the new deal for
non-pawnstart/subscribers anyway,