Originally posted by fierytormentIt wasn't a witchhunt. Dozens of these guys games were analyzed
cause we are on a witch hunt. Someone gotta burn
move for move against what an engine like Fritz would have done
and the moves chosen by the now infamous 5 matched exactly what
the engine would have chosen, time after time. It is statistically
impossible for humans to match that kind of response. NO_ONE.
Not even Kasparov.
Take a player like me. I am in the 1500's mostly. I have a couple of
games I am proud of, strategic decisions and tactics combined to give
a win. I would put that game or any of my games up to the engine
analysis technique used anytime because what it will undoubtedly
show is not my ever so perfect play but what my opponent could
have done instead of the inferior move he chose, and the analysis
could tally up how many moves in advance I saw the position (in one
nice game, I actually peered about 10 moves in, and won)
Originally posted by NicolaiSI don't think a clan leader should be responsible.. suspicious or not of your clan members activity. ... Katty isn't a MOD.. let them do their job..
Having two players in your clan that got banned because of cheating in one day ... some might start to doubt the clan leader.
Originally posted by MIODudeThat is called sarcasm ...
I don't think a clan leader should be responsible.. suspicious or not of your clan members activity. ... Katty isn't a MOD.. let them do their job..
I am a clan leader myself with a member who is under some scrutiny. As yet no decision has been made and I am not in a position to make accusations and will stand by any member of my clan. In the end its up to the Game mods and no responsibility lies with any clan leader.