Abundance = a social event held in a farm business
Agrophobia = the fear of being beaten up in an open space
An Australian Gentlemen = the bloke who gets out of the bath to pee in the sink
Aromatic = an automatic crossbow
Boycott = somewhere to keep male babies
Campers = natures way of feeding mosquitoes
Claustrophobia = the fear of Santa Claus
Cobra = a bra for conjoined twins
Diplomacy = the art of letting someone else get your way
Divorce = future tense of marriage
Dulcet = a boring tennis match
Experience = knowing all the things you shouldn't
Failure = a one armed man trying to climb a rope
Faggot = a lady maggot
Fine = a tax for doing wrong. Tax = a fine for doing well
Fortune = a singing quartet
His = pronoun, meaning hers
Igloo = an Alaskan toilet
Intense = a camping holiday
Laziness = the overwhelming ambition to lead a quite life
Lobster = a tennis champion
Marriage = an expensive way to get the laundry done
Matricide = committing suicide on a rug
Obscenity = anything that gives the judge a hard-on
Office = a place your can relax after your strenuous home life
Optimist = some who allows his teenage son to borrow the car. A pessimist = one who won't. A pedestrian = one who did
Out Of Bounds = an exhausted kangaroo
Pantry = a panty's cupboard
Parachute = a double barreled shotgun
Pedestrian = a moterist with two or more children aged above 17
Porcupine = a yearning for bacon
Posse = a wild west cat
Reoriented = ssent back to China
Rugged = the act of sitting on a mat
Savoury = a piggy bank
Shamrock = imitation mineral
Spellbinding = the cover of a dictionary
Stalemate = old spouse
Syntax = the money collected at church from sinners
Tantamount = riding a French aunt
Time = what keeps things from happening all at once.
Originally posted by Freddie2004lmao!!! I love the fear of santa clause one
Claustrophobia = the fear of Santa Claus
Diplomacy = the art of letting someone else get your way
Fine = a tax for doing wrong. Tax = a fine for doing well
His = pronoun, meaning hers
Matricide = committing suicide on a rug
Spellbinding = the cover of a dictionary
Angie 😀😀😀😀
Originally posted by rhblol
These are Neoligisms - words that can develop new meanings.
There was a competition in the Washington post to find some good ones - was discussed on the radio last night.
Vanish = Like a van
Custody = Like custard
Pandemonium = Musical Instrument that cannot breed in captivity