I usually have my face attached to the rest of the head, yeah.
My biggest worry is that in the pics I appear wearing my little
luchador cap and my little luchador boots, and I can't risk my
prestige inside the ring.
It's just that Jenna insisted on taking them, and I was all like
"Mrs. Jameson, please don't" and now, you see the results.
I'm all over the internet.
brace yourself
you are about to get a dose of cruelty
it matters not the nature of the intimacy
whether it be tender and loving
or craven and perverse
the trolls will pile on
you may think that you are ready
alas, you have no clue
there will be public laughter
finger pointing
and, accusations
you must not protest
every utterance of denial
or incredulity
or plea for respite
triggers an echo of clamorous scoffs
that echo through the electronic chambers of depravity
the best action
is no action
it's best to not even read a word
or look at one photo
or view one video
besides, i've scanned what they've posted so far
and it's not all that impressive
in fact
there may be nothing further
for which you might react
as there is, in a true sense
no there, there