This person and I are having a game and chatting about other stuff so we keep send PM to each other. His a subscriber, i'm not. I tried sending him a message right now and i got that message. Its strange cus i'm sure i sent more then 10 mssgs lately and nothing happened till today. Now it won't work.
Originally posted by RahimKSo you cant have a decent private chat with your friend as you have not subscribed
This person and I are having a game and chatting about other stuff so we keep send PM to each other. His a subscriber, i'm not. I tried sending him a message right now and i got that message. Its strange cus i'm sure i sent more then 10 mssgs lately and nothing happened till today. Now it won't work.
That is so SAD
Originally posted by mosquitorespectThis was done to stop the jerk who makes a fake name, spams everyone with a message of hate... and never plays chess.
Seems a bit unfair to me. Why not ask Russ if the code can be amended so that anyone who is on another player's Buddy List can message them as many times as they like?
Users here can chat any number of ways if they want... 10 PM's a day is enough if you don't want to caugh up some coins.
Originally posted by RahimKThe other option of course is to message each other in-game.
This person and I are having a game and chatting about other stuff so we keep send PM to each other. His a subscriber, i'm not. I tried sending him a message right now and i got that message. Its strange cus i'm sure i sent more then 10 mssgs lately and nothing happened till today. Now it won't work.