Nous pourrions parler français si vous voulez ou peut etre;
Vielleicht wäre es besser, Deutsch für unsere germanischen
Schachspieler zu sprechen,
O mi ha el idioma preferido nosotros podríamos hablar el español.
Og akkurat for Vår Scandanavian vennerlitt bit av Norwegian.
Sorry if this is not quite grammatically correct but hey it just proves a
point ! PS has anyone seen the Hungarian tourist sketch by Monty
Python.... v.funny.
I think it would be a greater help for Anglo-Saxons. The English used
at the Web has hardly anything to do with 'proper' English. All over the
Web. Not just at RHP. I stick, to the best of my knowledge of English,
to the traditional. Too old to learn that newspeak. But who am I to
make an issue of that? I can live with that. Just don't like
correspondents using the Web-language in traditional mails. Might be
my age, I suppose.
But I like writing. Have done it all my life, both in Dutch and English.
Professionally as well. Might be the reason for being a bit conservative
(on that issue only!).
Chris & Russ have already enough to do. Don't forget that.