Irrational fear or are they just plain evil?
A friend of mine went to Belize and amongst her photos was a picture
of this big mother of a spider. Let's just say Belize has been crossed
off my "places to visit by the time I'm 30" list.
Squirrels vs spiders? There can only be one winner surely.
Officially scared of spiders
scientific fact... anything you are disgusted by (maggots, flys etc) is
likely to give you a disease (or similar to something that is) - the
greater the disgust the greater the chance it could give you a disease.
anything you are afraid of is the same.. it's likely to hurt or kill you, or
has done so in the past (or is similar to something that could). Many
of these fears are inbred & not learnt. Fear of snakes is the no.1 fear
in all societies in the world. Supposedly if you show a snake or a
spider to someone who doesn't know what one is (eg. an Inuit) they
will still be afraid...
Freak - the sad scientist
Spiders are much too stupid to be evil. Seeing as they generally prey on insects, I wouldn't
think they care too much about people. However I imagine squirrels are quite intelligent:
haven't there been experiments with increasingly elaborate bird-feeders to see how long it
takes for a squirrel to break in?
I wonder: why do you never get insects the size of a squirrel, or in fact any bigger than a