10 Jul 04
Originally posted by chris stephensThe game is Game 581829 and I don't know about the scoring glitch but please people when you have a two move mate (Rf2-Rf1) will you please just do it and not worry about pawns 4 squares from queening? A few more games like that and nobody will ever goddamn resign!!!!!
i played a game today against beermaestro (good player) and it ended in a stalemate. however when i viewed my games in the my performance field it has it down as a loss. is there a bug?
Originally posted by seraphimvultureMissing a check mate on your opponent makes you feel an idiot,especially if you lose or draw the game.
Public opinion: Which is worse: leaving yourself open to a checkmate or missing a checkmate on your opponent? Just wondering what everyone thought.
I felt like that a few times here..........
edit:watching the game the simplest thing to do was keeping the rook on g file while white's king was prisoned in the h file,then checkmate would be only a matter of time.
Another minor glitch: if you look at the Public Games page and scroll to Game 549415, you will see that it says "Promoting pawn" but does not indicate that with that promotion to a queen, the player doing the promoting checkmated the opponent for a win.