"STG's Baby Girl, Annie Lynn"
Sticky Thread Game was born July 19, 2009. One Year in the Life of An STG equals approximately five years of human life. So, she'll be almost 20 years old in about three months (five years x four years) and old enough to accept the responsibilities of motherhood. STG's First Baby Girl, Annie Lynn, was born at one minute before midnight last night, May 1, 2013. In Recent Days, Many RHP Members have been curious about the identity of the infant's father. Though STG declined comment, it's generally believed that Ice Cold may be the Proud Daddy; he disappeared a few years ago.
Object of Sticky Thread Game: to keep her thread on top of page one. Sadly, this Lady lacked confidence in RHP GF Posters when she declared that the game named in her honor was destined to fail. In The OB/GYN Suite at Cyber Village Community Hospital, her hope upon seeing Annie for the first time: that her Baby Girl's GF Thread Game will also defy the internet odds and share her success example. All are welcome to post whatever happens to be on their minds. Thanks, gb