Hold on a minute, that doesn't sound very fair. Would I be right in saying that there are now
3 types of users:
Unregistered users
Old Pawn Stars
and that Old Pawn Stars effectively have lifelong membership, even though, in most cases,
they only paid £12, whereas subscribers will have to pay £20 a year for the same privileges?
I think it would be fairer if you gave us Old Pawn Stars a year's free membership, and then
gave us exactly the same status as everybody else. I don't think we deserve to be
permanently marked out as different, simply because we were there in the early days when
there were no subscriptions.
This is true, but you helped us get to this stage. We can't really go
back on our word, so what are we to do? To do as you say would be
great, but that would probably piss a lot of people off who are less
So, all I can do is hope that individuals such as yourself upgrade to a
subscription whenever they feel the time is right.
Wow. Can't...take...guilt.....I'll have those wings inside a fortnight.
You've done a great job, and have contributed more than anyone to
my completely unproductive summer. My wife would say "you wanna
go see a movie?", I'd reply "right after I make this move"....Two
hours later she'd say "So how about that movie?". Thanks.