I have an idea for the site... You've already did a great job guys, but
it would be better if you add (if it's possible) the possibility to put
personnal notes on our games. I mean put reflexion on strategy for
my games and be able to refering to it when I play. After few days I
never remember what I was planning to do! 🙂 Anyway, it's not
important, I'm maybe the only one on RHP who need that...
I've just downloaded ectool "lite" from chessopolis, this tool is very
useful but we don't have much option with this version. I've take a
look on the ectool "pro" specs... It seems that you can use a kind of
chess engine... This engine can give hints of what can be the best
move to do! Using that looks like cheat to me... and it's very strange
for a "correspondance chess tool"... What do you think about that?