My second-born is studying architecture at the University of Nottingham and is out in South Africa building a pre-school in a poor township about two hours out of Johannesburg.
I've been out there and also helped as much as I can with fund raising. This group of 20 year-olds are working damned hard 7 to 7, with just Sundays off, to build the school. Feel free to visit the web site and if you're feeling generous you can make a donation (links on that site). Little things like your donation can make a difference and I'm impressed also by how the community have also freely volunteered their efforts to make this project a reality.
Just an update. The students are going great guns, but it will be touch and go if they're finished before it's time for them to leave. As you can see, they're working late. We're heading into winter and it's nearly dark by 6:00. A cold front hit a few days ago which surprised the Brit students after some unseasonably hot weather. The start of winter up here on the Highveld is cold and dry - often with a bitter, drying wind. Think chapped lips, fingers etc.
The sandbag walls are very interesting - much more thermally efficient and a third of the price compared to the more traditional brick or concrete blocks. The bags are being covered with a special coating (courtesy of sponsor, Cemcrete, with gratuitous mention) whereafter they can be plastered to give more structural integrity.
Wood is generally not a viable construction method here - too expensive in general with high maintenance requirements. Maybe okay for framing though. but will need to be treated. I have my doubts, though. The the wooden frames are south-facing (away from the sun for you Northern Hemisphere types). Hopefully the longer term sponsors will look after the maintenance side of things. The sandbag walls are north facing, hence the need for thermal efficiency - to be cool in summer (up to 40 deg C) and warmer in winter (down to -5 deg C and exposed).
Originally posted by spike jonesAnd a very generous donation it was too. Special thanks.
ok buffalobill i made a donation in my dogs honor...maybe the dog lovers clan might like to match it? I would ask the cat lovers but they need their money for cat litter...............just kiddding I have cats too