First thing and this is written in sincerity...Chris and Russ
congratulations on a great site. Thanks to the many wonderful people
I met while learning to play chess here on RHP for the game holds
many good memories for me. Sadly, the paranoia from some here I
can't bear anymore here and have decided to finish all games
currently in progress. Whether I will continue to play here I'm still
deciding. Schliemann you are a great player but not the only one here
and since our last discussion argument? on messenger over six
months ago. I have NOT contacted you since then and do NOT want to
communicate with you now. Why are you even mentioning my name-
nickname here in the forum now? I refuse to be dragged into your
conspiracy theories. Stop mentioning my name and confusing me with
others on RHP past or present. I refuse to be a part of this witch hunt.
Like h*ll! I'm tired of being confused with someone else! What will it
take for you to realize Dave that I'm not Sharon! Martin, this mess
won't be cleaned up till some realize the simple fact that Australia and
the United States are two different countries. I guess it's possible to
be at two places at once! Get real...I'm not omnipotent! oh btw, wipe
the smudge off your nose Martin. I will keep discussing this issue till
you realize Dave that you are confusing me with someone else.
Lisa A. Crider-Withrow
ps go ahead do a search on my real name it might just stop some
paranoid minds and maybe reality for some will set in!