Television is the box...
Television is the box in front of you that does your thinking. Internet bulletin boards take up any slack and confirm ultimate reality for you. All the falsehood you've ever swallowed by reason of wrong decisions made during a lifetime (which inform your frame of reference) represent the corner you've painted yourself into, which is the exact location of the La-Z-Boy naugahyde chair you now sit in. Think. Think again.
05 Aug 09
Originally posted by Grampy Bobbyspeak only fer yerself...
Television is the box...
Television is the box in front of you that does your thinking. Internet bulletin boards take up any slack and confirm ultimate reality for you. All the falsehood you've ever swallowed by reason of wrong decisions made during a lifetime (which inform your frame of reference) represent the corner you've painted yourself int ...[text shortened]... e exact location of the La-Z-Boy naugahyde chair you now sit in. Think. Think again.
unless "you" have a few CIA connections i am unaware of, you know very little about "me"...
or are "you" referring to tha universal "you"...
not everyone can be crammed into a neat lil pigeonhole that "you" think iz correct...
think again...
Originally posted by Grampy Bobbythe problem isn't the medium, it's the content you choose to watch. blaming tv for your own bad choices is like judging scientific books by the contents of harlequin books.
Television is the box...
Television is the box in front of you that does your thinking. Internet bulletin boards take up any slack and confirm ultimate reality for you. All the falsehood you've ever swallowed by reason of wrong decisions made during a lifetime (which inform your frame of reference) represent the corner you've painted yourself int ...[text shortened]... e exact location of the La-Z-Boy naugahyde chair you now sit in. Think. Think again.
Originally posted by rookie54No need to get threatened or testy, rookie54. You and your pilgrimage are well beyond that. Of course referring to "tha universal 'you'..."
speak only fer yerself...
unless "you" have a few CIA connections i am unaware of, you know very little about "me"...
or are "you" referring to tha universal "you"...
not everyone can be crammed into a neat lil pigeonhole that "you" think iz correct...
think again...
Originally posted by homedepotov"I was really happy to find that there is a campaign to overcome discrimination against sufferers of mental health disorders in the UK.
I think Grampy Bobby needs his own reality show. Contestants would be strapped to a La-Z-Boy naugahyde chair and forced to watch his home movies. The last one to stay sane would be the winner.
I believe this is something that is long overdue and just wanted to share it here."... Enjoyed your public profile, Home. I don't do TV.
Originally posted by Grampy BobbyTell us something I dont' know.
Television is the box...
Television is the box in front of you that does your thinking. Internet bulletin boards take up any slack and confirm ultimate reality for you. All the falsehood you've ever swallowed by reason of wrong decisions made during a lifetime (which inform your frame of reference) represent the corner you've painted yourself int ...[text shortened]... e exact location of the La-Z-Boy naugahyde chair you now sit in. Think. Think again.
But if you find yourself in this situation you have only yourself to blame. TV has informative items if you look for them. It's not all Grace and Will
Originally posted by huckleberryhoundHA!!!
I have a TV, but i don't have any TV channels piped into my house. My TV is attached to a DVD player only.
You think you are judging people, but you are actually opening a window into the inadequaces of your own life, and allowing us to see your fears.
if you disagree assertively he will not only think you testy but call you threatened...
a lack of body english iz a drawback to healthy conversation...
Originally posted by huckleberryhoundUse mine, Huck, for weather forecasts and sports and cooking channel tips and a peek at news headlines, not every day but in that order.
I have a TV, but i don't have any TV channels piped into my house. My TV is attached to a DVD player only.
You think you are judging people, but you are actually opening a window into the inadequaces of your own life, and allowing us to see your fears.
P.S. By the way, always park my sorry blond Swedish butt on the open door patio side of a comfy royal blue sofa, not a wall corner in sight.
Originally posted by rookie54Rookie, even if it wasn't the 'universal you' you yourself would have been the last person in Texas on my mind. You having a bad day?
if you disagree assertively he will not only think you testy but call you threatened...
a lack of body english iz a drawback to healthy conversation...
Originally posted by rookie54I think he's talking about in general or what could happen if not careful...
speak only fer yerself...
unless "you" have a few CIA connections i am unaware of, you know very little about "me"...
or are "you" referring to tha universal "you"...
not everyone can be crammed into a neat lil pigeonhole that "you" think iz correct...
think again...