Last night I went to bed feeling pretty bad, but when I got up this
morning, and got the kids off to school, I was able to read the forum.
Thank you all so much for your prayers and thoughts. I know it made
a difference, even if just for us here.
When I get a chance, I will save all of the kind messages and make
sure that Dave gets to hear them.
Special thank you to Ashley, John and Doug....I appreciate your
concern and will be in contact through email. Ashley, your emails
aren't reaching you, so either call me or ICQ later in the evening my
time. I will try to be online. Or call and tell me to get online. I do need
to talk to you about all of this. Thanks again to you all, and it helped
a lot.
I will aleviate any computer and email problems by giving you a call
tonight. You haven't even sniffed the limit I have for emergencies.
LOL! Shhh! Don't tell anybody what that means. hehehe. If you read
this before tonight reply with a time that would be best for you. I'm
sure I'll be on here throughout the afternoon. I just wish I could do
more, but being 3000 miles away makes that kind of hard. We're still
praying for ya'll and I hope the healing process has already begun
even though it may be unseen so far.