Originally posted by cheater2That's not a cheater, that's just a good player. If you pause at 0:27 you can see his k/d was 11/2, if he was cheating it'd be like 20/0.
Cheater in action.
It always brings the game down when a good player is so disrespected and called a cheater, he was most likely playing against a bunch of consolekiddies. Put that guy on a proper map* against decent players and you'll see a totally different story.
*I really hate Showdown unless you're playing 2v2 or something.
Are these guys cheaters?
Originally posted by cheater2I agree with hopscotch. I used to play MW1 everyday for about a year, I became pretty damn good at it and I'd consider what he does in that video totally possible. That some people are sore losers or not good enough to keep up does not make really good players cheaters.
Cheater in action.