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The Choices that one makes

The Choices that one makes


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I am playing a game at the moment in which my 2nd last move was a real stinker. Even as I clicked on the 'move' icon i saw my mistake (I made a superb effort to instantly shutdown explorer but, alas, it was not to be)

It reminded me of an arcade game of a number of years ago were I made a similar mistake. (The game was 'Dungeons & Dragons'😉

The story goes something like this.........

Once upon a time...I was playing with a friend and we were doing quite well. We had just killed an unnumbered amount of foes and we were reeping the rewards in weapons/hit points etc.

We met with this tavern owner who asked us to go to some castle ( we never got there so dont ask :-0 )

The tavern owner gave us two options. did we (A) want to go the looooooooooong way around the mountains that would be the safest and sensible move or (B) go underneath the mountains and through the cave of the Great Red Dragon.

Well we both looked at each other (well no we didnt but putting this sentance in adds to atmosphere) and promptly highlighted 'Underneath the mountains'.

The tavern keeper (arf i will never forget this part) then said 'are you sure?'

'Yep, 100% final answer.'

The tavern keeper then said ' Are you really sure?'

At this point in the story we DID actually look at each other, and, following a quick consultation we said 'Yep lets do it'.

The Tavern keeper said 'Well ok, but I warned you...'

(only at this point did my friend hiccup in fear*while I soiled myself*
*this is what we call elaborate storytelling*

Needless to say we both died within 15 seconds.......

SO, (and here we come to the point of my little story) I dont suppose we can get 1 (one) prompt msg, something along the lines of 'are you sure you want to make this move ?

hehe as a footnote my opponent has not seen my mistake and I have now forked his king and queen, yippeeeeee


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You have to have Java & cookies enabled to use RHP, and the first time I move after reenabling them I get a message asking if I'm sure want to send the info because people are now able to see what I'm sending. A few time's I've reassessed my move when I've got this message and thought "actually no, I don't want to do that...". It's not really what your talking about, but it dos make me appreciate that you might be onto something 😉

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thx :-0

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Originally posted by belgianfreak
You have to have Java & cookies enabled to use RHP,
Not Java. Java is evil.

But you do need javascript. 😉

(There is a big difference, but I wont go into it here )


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