The day will eventually come...
The day will eventually come when, like it or not, our final forum posts and/or chess moves on Red Hot Pawn will be made. Here's a user friendly date converter with the date of Red Hot Pawn's inception as an example of the passage of time:
a) "Enter two dates below to find the number of days between them. For best results, avoid entering years before 1753. Examples include 1944-04-17 or Jan 7, 1943. You can also type words like today or yesterday, or use the American format, 1/31/2015.
Number of days between: [2/21/2001] and [today] [Go]"
b) "Date difference from Feb 21, 2001 to Jan 31, 2015
The total number of days between Wednesday, February 21st, 2001 and Saturday, January 31st, 2015 is 5,092 days.
This is equal to 13 years, 11 months, and 10 days.",+2001/to/Jan+31,+2015
Rhetorical: How many days has it been since your mother gave birth to you? None of us is guaranteed tomorrow.
Question you may wish to consider is how will you be remembered in the months and years after you're gone.
Originally posted by Grampy BobbyHere lies Lester Moore,
[b]The day will eventually come...
The day will eventually come when, like it or not, our final forum posts and/or chess moves on Red Hot Pawn will be made. Here's a user friendly date converter with the date of Red Hot Pawn's inception as an example of the passage of time:
[quote]a) "Enter two dates below to find the number of d ...[text shortened]... wish to consider is how will you be remembered in the months and years after you're gone.[/b]
four slugs from a .44,
no Les, no more
Originally posted by Grampy BobbyDo you mean by my wife ~ if she survives me ~ and my children, and my sisters, in-laws, and so on ~ how will I be remembered in the months and years after I die? You're asking us to talk about ourselves in this way?
[b]Question you may wish to consider is how will you be remembered in the months and years after you're gone.[/b]
Originally posted by Grampy BobbyIt is of absolutely no consequence to me what
Question you may wish to consider is how will you be remembered in the months and years after you're gone.
friends and family will think of me after my death.
It is what they think now that matters - and even that not so much.
Rating (1755) Highest Rating [2185] [2234] [2234]
Last moved 1262 days 13 hours and 52 minutes ago
About Mathurine:
"I have decided to leave the site for an indefinite period. I have really not been terribly well of late, and have also had a change of job that doesn’t allow me free Internet access during the day. Rather than suffer the embarrassment of being timed out in all my games (or of losing them all by dint of inattention) I have simply resigned the lot (and forfeited quite a few rating points!) This is not an absolute goodbye, though; when my subscription runs out I may very well return as a non-sub, and take on six games at a somewhat slower pace. Alternatively I could re-subscribe and discipline myself not to enter tournaments in which I haven’t the energy to compete.
I would just like to say thank you to everyone I’ve played with over the last five years, and to all the General Forum regulars whose posts have kept me in good spirits since I discovered this marvellous community.
With my very best wishes to you all,
I for one miss this lady.
Originally posted by Grampy BobbyHere is a bit more information Mathurine volunteered about herself:
I for one miss this lady.
I prefer games with 3-day timeout and 14-day timebank.
As a general rule, I will not play against:
a) players with a "provisional" RHP rating
b) players with a perfect or near-perfect record (eg >90% wins)
c) players who were 1700-ish for years but are now 2300+
d) players who've rarely or never drawn a game
e) players whose skulls are oft-clicked
Anybody else, though, I'll take on. Subscriber or not, if you fancy a challenging game, please "message" me.
I examine the playing style of every new opponent, so if there's a delay before I reply to your 1. Nh3, please be patient!
b) "Date difference from Feb 21, 2001 to Jan 31, 2015 (From OP)
The total number of days between Wednesday, February 21st, 2001 and Saturday, January 31st, 2015 is 5,092 days.
It's been almost fourteen since Red Hot Pawn began, coincidentally fourteen provides a convenient eyeball multiple of the average life span in many countries [5 x 14 = 70 years; "5,092" rounded to 5,000 x 5 = 25,000 Days]. If you're forty two years old sixty percent or fifty six years old eighty percent of your time on planet earth is now in the rear view mirror.
Originally posted by wolfgang59wolfgang, some see darkness while others see light; physical death is a fact of life. Some choose to take their own lives with instantaneous or gradual suicide because of insurmountable disappointments they lacked the inner resourcefulness and grit to overcome. The Red Hot Pawn Community Since February 2001 is a microcosm of human life itself. -Grateful Bob
You should change your handle to Graveyard Bob.