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The Hemlock Society

The Hemlock Society


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Press release, 1-9-2000

Disability Activists Call Upon Euthanasia Movement To Be Honest for a Change

On August 30th, the Boston Herald gave Faye Girsh, the Executive Director of the Hemlock Society, a chance to talk about how Not Dead Yet, one of sixteen national and local disability rights groups sponsoring a rally against them this week, has distorted the right to die agenda to make people think the movement wants to encourage the elderly and disabled to take their own lives. Without contacting the group Ms. Girsh attacked, the Herald printed her factually incorrect explanation of the assisted dying movement. You are going to hear that this movement is trying to kill people with disabilities, she said. These are specious arguments, nothing to do with what we're about. . . . [We're about] helping people who have terminal illnesses decide which end-of-life option they prefer . . .
What Ms. Girsh does not mention, and what few reporters seem willing to investigate, is that the Hemlock Society has long included the euthanasia of people with non-terminal disabilities in its political agenda. A few examples are mentioned below, and documented in the following pages and in press materials that will be available at the rally Saturday at 11:30 a.m.

You can find nore material and read more on the internet site. This is exactly the same policy the Nederlandse Vereniging voor Vrijwillige Euthanasie, the Dutch counterpart of the American Hemlock Society, used to have in the Netherlands. Keeping secret what they are really upto. The Hemlock Society is very keen on portraying opponents as hand waving, fear mongering, dogmatically thinking, ignorant people ....... How reasonable and how logical ... but most of all ... how convenient .......

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