At the moment I'm reading Naomi Klein's 'No Logo'. Fine reading.
Shocking too, though we knew already. Free entreprise is killing the
weaker, developping countries. Anti-globalising is not the answer (I
think). There should be even more globalising, but then giving
developing countries equal chances, which they are now denied. They
are poor and have to import expensive goods (which they most of the
time can't afford to do anyway) and have only minimal chances to
export at fair prices. So much for free entreprise and unleashed
capitalism. Look at what companies like Nike, Addidas et al are doing.
They don't produce any longer themselves. Thats done on low-cost
countries in shameful conditions, low pay, long working hours, hardly
any unions. The multinationals are mainly occupied with just branding
their foreign-made products. Look at the scandalous behaviour of the
pharmaceutical multis. I remember a US company vice-president
saying 'Grey hair is more inmportant to us than aids' in a reaction to
South-Africa -with millions of aids-patients- buying cheap medication
in Thailand. As abominable was the reaction of Bush Jr, trying to bring
the State of Brasil to court for producing their own medication from
natural components, to be found in their own country. So much for
humane humanity!