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The Last Full Measure (2019 film)

The Last Full Measure (2019 film)


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Seems to be an average film based on an extraordinary true story.

Has anyone seen the film or know the story?

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i've not seen it yet

here it is at imdb

2 edits

@rookie54 said
i've not seen it yet

here it is at imdb
The summary is About as short as the link:

Thirty-four years after his death, Airman William H. Pitsenbarger, Jr. ("Pits"😉 is awarded the nation's highest military honor, for his actions on the battlefield.

This is the Wikipediapage for the hero of the film: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_H._Pitsenbarger

This could or could not be interesting. I am not really in war Action movies, but if it was more on the psychological aspect it could be interesting.

And there is a Wikipedia page on the film (with more infromation than imdb:

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