24 Jan 21
@ghost-of-a-duke saidI don't think you want to hear the answer on that one! 😉
Why is the floor all sticky?
@lemondrop saidexotic oils and creams
grand opening
fulfilling your carnal needs
mushrooms and peyote
loud music
mosh pits
guns and ammo
plenty of bibles too
24 hr medical staff on call
@lemondrop said*side hustle*
exotic oils and creams
mushrooms and peyote
loud music
mosh pits
guns and ammo
plenty of bibles too
24 hr medical staff on call
i got snake oil and goose fat
slicker than whale blubber
glow sticks and string cheese
and multi-colored rubbers
@lemondrop saidIf you can serve liver paté, toast and some wine, I will bring the pickled cucumber.
we have all that and more
24 Jan 21
@lemondrop saidPsst, the pickle shop has a 'back room.'
the once great Tavern on the Board is now a pickle shop
can you believe it?
forget them
you can get your pickle needs here
you can eat them or whatever
come on in!