-Removed-You need to make your first million sunshine! π
I wonder if you even know what 100,000 looks like. π
BTW: There is no such thing as having ENOUGH money, there are lots of things you can do with it!
Duecer of course the EXCEPTION to the rule! π
Perhaps you could lend Phlabs some so he could do over his kitchen, or give it to him being you two are such good buds, its only money right! π
-Removed-Money can't buy any of those things, not that I would know, just a poor person myself.
Honesty, treat others like you would wish to be treated, and not letting egos get in the road go a long way.Everybody has those whether they are a beggar or a wealthy person.
Internet is just a communications tool, like a writing pad, a pen, your voice, a telephone - all the things us oldies used as we were growing up.
I refer you to another thread about new computer technology: (see below)
Computing at the Speed of Light
Replacing metal wiring with fiber optics could change everything from supercomputers to laptops.
Probably in the future people will have a microchip and be wireless with the hardware they are born with. Software is already there. Now-a-days not used much by younger generation.