From this day forward, !~TONY~! and royalchicken agree not to cut their hair until such time as:
1. Their final exams are completed (!~Tony~!'s in May, RC's in June);
2. !~TONY~!'s parents disown him;
3. RC suffocates under a mass of hair.
Both parties agree to supply a picture (of his head) for each college holiday (Tony, stick yours on your website, I'll do the same for mine. Our websites link to each other).
While !~Tony~! was the victim of a haircut two weeks ago, this pact is for him part of a very personal quest to alienate himself from polite society, an endeavour he also furthers by being really good at chess, expressing a vague interest in looking like a ''crazy old man'' and doing a physics degree.
For RC, who has not cut his hair in eight months, this is part of a slightly less lofty effort to avoid people with blades and uncertain reactions to highly variable tips.
Please do not expect meaningful content from either of them in the ''how you met your spouse'' thread until at least one of the time conditions has been met!
Originally posted by royalchickenYep. I've never been particularly tonsurally self-conscious.
Like me? I just wash it and leave it.
I'm positive I've not dried it by anything but mechanical means (i.e., towel) since high school -- about 12 years.
Fortunately, my hair has decidely round shafts, so it's very straight and not prone to tangling until it gets ridiculously long (as in 12 inches below my nape). So, the rare times I do remember to brush it, it's a relative breeze.
My mother is still desparately concerned that I will be one of those 60 year-old guys with a pony-tail. She's probably right.
P.S. Did you read the Dilbert series wherein Wally takes (what's left of) his hair and ties it back in a scraggly pony-tail? It's a scream!
Originally posted by royalchickenDoes that include facial hair?
From this day forward, !~TONY~! and royalchicken agree not to cut their hair until such time as:
1. Their final exams are completed (!~Tony~!'s in May, RC's in June);
2. !~TONY~!'s parents disown him;
3. RC suffocates under a mass of hair.
Both parties agree to supply a picture (of his head) for each college holiday (Tony, sti ...[text shortened]... e ''how you met your spouse'' thread until at least one of the time conditions has been met!
Originally posted by royalchickenI thought chickens had feathers?
From this day forward, !~TONY~! and royalchicken agree not to cut their hair until such time as:
1. Their final exams are completed (!~Tony~!'s in May, RC's in June);
2. !~TONY~!'s parents disown him;
3. RC suffocates under a mass of hair.
Both parties agree to supply a picture (of his head) for each college holiday (Tony, sti ...[text shortened]... e ''how you met your spouse'' thread until at least one of the time conditions has been met!