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The Rossoo witch hunts

The Rossoo witch hunts


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Dear members of rhp. Over the last few days I have been the victim
of a hate campaign from the user Rossoo. He made the claim that I
am a program user as shown in the log from our games : 28 Black
this is one hell of a tightly packed battle! 29 White yeah — loll
33 White very difficult to play against software 33 Black very cheeky,
very cheeky
34 Black Sitting at home, enjoying a quiet spell of chess, the days
going well and then… Believe it or not players out there can counter
you and even outplay you, there is no need to make accusations. You
have soured my day and this game, thank you. 35 White you still
speaking about that — well — if the shoe fits ... — if you so good then
i'll know you on the international scene — give me your name ... i'm
Jan Safer - if you don't know me — then — what can i say — the
software works - i'd love a rematch - even software can be beaten 🙂
35 Black I joined rhp sometime ago as it was a great medium to play
chess and allowed you to play people from around the world. I have
no international standing in chess and have never taken part in any
tournaments bar school competitions and the ongoing tournament
here. I play for the love of the game, I play to relax when I get home
from work, I do not play for any other reason. RHP allows me to play
people of a certain level, both, like you, the tourney players, but also
the home players like myself. If you believe I use software, that is
your prerogative, likewise I could think that of you. As far as I am
concerned this subject is closed as there is no point bleating on about
it. Good luck with your games on rhp, but please remember, many
good, decent players here are not FIDE rated, but can still play some
damn fine chess.
36 White i know a good player when i see one - fortunately i can spot
a fake also - enjoy
39 White so predictable now - since i investgated futher - most top
players here agree - u using rival chess - hehe - got ya. I am not
writing this to protest my innocence, believe what you will, but to warn
others about this arrogant, stupid little man who has made my life a
misery. Thank you for reading, Neil

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Using Rival Ches to beat someone on here?? Now that is funny...my
wife Beck can beat that program and she knows nothing about chess.

Don't fret it mcdonan...I am sure when anyone goes for the top
players they all say the same..or do the exact opposite...use a
program themselves.

Although we have never played I have studied quite a few of your
games and I don't think that you are a user. Heck if you remember
correctly I have been given more crap over having such a great library
for reference that I have been accused of being a cheater.

So just ignore the guy.

Plus I see you are hot on my heels...will be waiting for ya in the


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McDonan and I have played a number of games rated and unrated.
HE IS a top notch player who is an excellent conversationalist and a
wonderful guy. HE AINT a cheat, a program user or anything less.
Don't let the turkeys make you miss the eagles. As for this situation I
think the old adage "he who smelt it probably dealt it" lol

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Well put Doc.
The Ambassador
Little grasshopper
King of MAP
Most Titled Player
Assistant Captain TEAMUSA
Assistant TD Ko 1600+ Division
Recruiter KO Tournament

PS: Only today and tomorrow to signup for the KO tournament. 67
players so far.

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Well I have at least cancelled my game against the guy since I do not
like those sorts.

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Mcdonan, I dont see you on the player list for the knockout
tournament. Consider this an invitation.
Asssitant TD KO
PS To joint the tourney send me e-mail or make a post with your
rating and that you want in.

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Sorry to hear you ran into one of the...eccentrics...here.

The guy does give himself away by both claiming he is a some top
player in the international chess community AND that you are beating
him with Rival chess.

Now Rival chess is not all THAT bad (Dave, I think you either have an
old version of it - or else I really suck at chess. LOL). But it certainly
isn't a contender in the world of chess programs.

So if this guy claims he's some great player, but can't handle Rival
Chess, then the only misery you should feel is for this guy who is so
bad at chess while having so much of his ego tied up in the game.
Pity the man...

Don't let it get to you; there are many wonderful folks here to play.
Focus on them.
And thanks for giving us the heads up about this guy.

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