Originally posted by reinfeldI lost both "big toes" when I walked on an landmine in the rice fields of North Korea after the talks broke down. You can't be russ because he does not participate in the tea ceremony due to his severe reaction to it. I may have my eyes closed but my other senses are hightened and therefore I am able to cents that you are an imposter.
grasshopper...walk the rice paper on the other chess sites...do you not hear the vibration thru your big toe ?...it is "i", "russ" who awaits you at the tea ceremony ( i know i look like a bear but then not all of us are cute ).
Originally posted by reinfeldLimp away yes and Polish no. It was a cruel joke you played on a man whose eyes were not able to establish the authenticity of the "Polish" passport. When I tried to enter, via Gadansk, I was immediately taken away to be interogated by the "internal authorities" as they had questions to ask about the "Polish" passport. Something to do about the name appearing on the document... Lech Wałęsa.
ahh...my friend..we met me in the fog at the brandenburg gate in the small opel on the left side of the bridge..do you not know that when i give my word i mean it..( did i not let you walk away with that phony polish passport ? )..
Originally posted by Great Big Steesthe spelling might give you away, too. Or is that two...or to....or tu.....
I lost both "big toes" when I walked on an landmine in the rice fields of North Korea after the talks broke down. You can't be russ because he does not participate in the tea ceremony due to his severe reaction to it. I may have my eyes closed but my other senses are hightened and therefore I am able to cents that you are an imposter.